The origin of volantín is attributed to a Chinese general of name Have Without, in year 200 before Christ, and its diffusion was so popular in east that the Chinese calendar dedicated the ninth month to him of the year.In Europe, the comet already was well-known in century XVII and its appearance in Chile dates from half-full from century XVIII. Its arrival conquered so many followers, that it became the protagonist of many celebrations, games, competitions, meetings and jaranas.
The Volantín is the Chilean version of the Comet, has one long one and varied history. His first appearances in CHILE were by the end of Century XVII during the time of the colony, when young priests missionaries, mainly benedictine monks, competed among them or against other congregations.At that time the famous “TURKEYS” reigned, calls also “JOTES” and that nowadays in some cities calls it equal, these reached great dimensions. Which affirms that Don Ambrosio O'Higgins was a pioneering volantinero in this specialty, I contribute in the diffusion of this pretty sport.In the present time it is known like one the most important Chilean traditions. The competition of Volantines or “Commissions”. of that it consists of demolishing or cutting to the opponent in the air “To throw it Cortado or Coila”In the commissions competition thread is used that only the volatineros craftsmen know to make them with special materials